Tick List 2020-1
If you wish to be selected for any of the following games, please complete and return this form
to the Secretary by 13th September 2021 Susan Forrest, 41 Marine Parade, Millport, KA28 0EF
or by email to forrestmillport@btopenworld.com
Competition Date Please Tick
Lady Margaret Macrae is a friendly ladies game, it
is one session followed by lunch in a restaurant 29/9/21 ___
Cunningham Quaich is a friendly gents game, it
is one session followed by lunch in a restaurant 29/9/21 ___
Tan Can is a game against Auchenames, it is
one session at Greenacres 24/11/21 ___
Rino Righetti is a double session between club
members with a snack in between 8 /12/21 ___
Christmas Bonspiel is a fun game with a different
format each year, single session, rinks selected on
the day 15/12/21 ___
Garrison Cup v Largs Thistle, double session with
a snack in between. 12/01/22 ___
County Cup v Bute, double session with a snack
in between. One of our best days out! 26/01/22 ___
Argyll Quaich club outing to Stranraer, normally
3 games of curling, eating and socialising together ???
during evenings ___
Tappit Hen is a double session played against six
other clubs who have/had piers on the Clyde! 25 Feb ___
Silver Kettle is a double session between club
members with a snack in between, runners up win
Crerar Medal 16/3/22 ___
Inter Club Medal against Dumbarton at Greenacres TBA ___
Province Games are held at Waterfront, Greenock
2 x 7 end games are played at 12.15 and 2.30 on
Tuesday 5th October, 2nd November, 7th December and
15th March.
You do not need to play in all these games, volunteering
for one would be good!
You must be a member of RCCC.
Province Championship is held at Greenacres on Sunday
23rd January. Two games. You must be a
member of RCCC to play in this.
Final is held at Greenacres on Saturday 5th March ___
Grand Match is held outside on floating ice anywhere in
Scotland! Last played for in 1979. ___
Club games have been booked at Greenacres on 6th October 20th October, 27th October, 10th November, 17th November, 19th January, 2nd February, 9th February and 23rd February, 2nd March – all single sessions followed by snack available at ice rink if wished.
Ice has been booked on Wednesday 22nd September at Greenacres for a practice and
“come and try” at 9.45am
Yes ___ No ___
Name of emergency contact:
Telephone number of emergency contact:
As part of the changes in legislation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
we want to reassure you that:
1 Millport Curling Club is committed to protecting your personal data and your privacy by
informing you about the way we use, store, process and protect personal data given to us.
2 As a membership club we require that you provide some personal data in order to
register as a member. We regard the lawful basis for the collection of such personal data
as our Legitimate Interest.
3 This information is collected and stored in both electronic and paper formats.
4 We will use this information to provide membership services to you.
5 We will not sell your personal data to any third party organisations.
6 We may share your details with Greenacres Curling Club when they request them.
7 Your personal data is processed and stored in the premises of our Secretary at
41 Marine Parade, Millport, KA28 0EF. Our database is password protected and has
suitable protection installed.
8 We will not ask you for any sensitive personal data.