Cunningham Quaich
Cunningham Quaich is played for by the clubs men.
The 2022-23 Season was played at Greenacres with two teams of four players.
Dave Cunningham (S), Patrick Boyle, Walter Marshall, Ron Copeland
Fergus Boyle (S), Willie McIntyre, Richard Stokes, Eddie Hughes
Score was 6 all, Dave won 4 ends to 3
The 2019-20 Season.
The Gent played at the Waterfront with four teams of three curlers. We had a good balance of teams and congratulation have to go to skip Dave with Richard and Bill. After the game we had lunch at the Chartroom in Inverkip Marina.
The 2018-9 Season.
Gents played for the Cunningham Quaich at Kilmarnock and congratulations to David Cameron with Ron, Alasdair and Max. Unfortunately, the Gents were having so much fun at the Paddle Steamer that we forgot to take a picture of the presentation.
The 2017-8 Season.
Game will be at the Waterfront Ice Rink on 27th September at10:00am. Teams will be selected from Tick List and players informed. The winners were the team skiped by Willie McIntyre with Jimmy Lochridge, Henry Kerr and Jim Johnstone.
The 2016-7 Season.
Dear Curlers
The Gentlemen had a successful competition today at Hamilton Ice Rink and a very enjoyable lunch at Smiths in Uddingston afterwards.
Many thanks to Ron, David Cameron and Henry for providing transport
Congratulations to Richard and his rink, Jimmy, Walter and Arthur who wrested the Quaich from defending champion Willie McIntyre.
Thanks to everyone who participated. I will post some pictures on the MCC Facebook page and Jimmy will also post some on the website
The 2015-6 Winners --- Willie McIntyre (skip), David Cameron, Jimmy Lochridge and Alistair Miller.
After the game the curlers had lunch, with a few drinks, at the Inverkip hotel.